Talk : International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC)
Feb 12, 2022

The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC) was held via Zoom Online on 20th February 2022. Our Chief Operating Officer (COO), Dr. Fairoza Amira Hamzah was invited as the speaker for the workshop on Introduction to Computer Vision and Applications. ICARC targeted the university students and researchers to join this worthwhile event. In addition, Dr Fairoza also shared the advantages of using deep learning instead of traditional image processing in the industry.
The goal of this workshop was to provide an overview of the fundamental concepts of computer vision and their applications, as the audience included people who had no prior knowledge of the subject but wanted to learn more.
To sum up, we hope that this workshop was able to provide a foundation of knowledge in computer vision, since it is a critical component of every industry, particularly in this era of digital transformation.